I sometimes use a quote to write from, either one I create or one I find, today I found this quote.

Out of clutter, find simplicity.

Albert Einstein

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The word that rings true for me is simplicity, When we clean our homes and de clutter, as we say
we usually have heaps of "junk" to either get rid of or to put back again in that same familiar spot,

I bet as kids we all had junk drawers, I know I did and my mom would come and tell me, Janet clean out this drawer, well I could not figure it out, if it was a junk drawer, then "why" did I have to clean it out$%:

I realized many years ago that when you were cleaning out the junk in the house you live in, you were also
cleaning out the junk in the soul, I understood the mechanics behind it, what is outside is in,
what is inside is out.

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If I feel the need to clean, I mean a real deep clean to my home; I know inside that I am going through deep changes. If we look back into history and go back over all the ancient prophets, sages, holy men, from all different religions you will see that they were all minimalists they had simplicity figured out.

Some say for instance that our life is dissolved away due to detail others feel our life is wasted due to not having a focus on things. For me, three words came into my vocabulary many years ago truth, simplicity, and love.

I embraced this trinity of words because it worked for me, and it still works, Truth, has many meanings to many people. Truth to me is how I understand this world how it works for me, my truth.

Simplicity, I have understood the concept and have lived with it for many years, Life is a paradox, on one hand, we have simplicity and on the other we have complexity. Being on my journey of life I have realized that I want simplicity in my life.

Simplicity, works for me and from that my life is one of harmony, and flow, my creative juices have more room to flow because I have simplified my life, I write, I read, I enjoy the quaint simple pleasures of living, I don't have a yacht, I don't have many things not because I could not get them, I simply do not want them, I am happy, with the sound of birds, the thunder rolls, the freshness of a spring morning, simplicity for me is a gift from the spirit.

Love, is the greatest gift of all, true love, for yourself, with out any conditions,
although to get there one may have to use stepping stones the first one being "acceptance" of self first then on to Love.

Once you accept yourself it will be much easier to love yourself. Loving yourself is powerful medicine, and some of us have trouble swallowing it. It has been spoken about that if you love yourself then you can love others. You will find that when you accept yourself then loving yourself is much easier, and when you begin to love yourself, your life becomes easier,


Out of clutter, find simplicity.

Albert Einstein

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